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Category: Blob Storage

azure backup

Using Azure Storage as a Backup Location: A Comprehensive Guide

Azure Storage for Backup Data is the lifeline of modern businesses, and losing it can have serious consequences. That’s why backup and recovery strategies are crucial for any organization. Azure Storage is one of the ...

azure regions

Understanding Azure Storage Regions: A Comprehensive Guide

An Overview of Azure Regions Azure Storage is a cloud-based storage solution that provides highly available, secure, scalable, and durable storage for your data. Azure Storage provides multiple types of storage options, including Blob storage, ...

azure cloud storage

Azure Storage: Compare Prices and Plans – The Ultimate Guide

Azure Storage Overview Azure Storage is a cloud-based storage solution offered by Microsoft. It provides scalable and secure storage for unstructured and structured data, including blobs, files, queues, and tables. With Azure Storage, you can ...

azure security

Azure Storage Security: Keep Your Data Safe

Learn how to keep your data secure with Azure Storage security In today’s digital world, data security is a top priority for businesses and individuals alike. With the increasing popularity of cloud computing, many organizations ...

data lake or blob

Azure Data Lake storage Gen2 and Blob storage?

Introduction Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Blob storage are two cloud storage solutions offered by Microsoft Azure. While both solutions are designed to store and manage large amounts of data, there are several key ...

cloud storage tiering

Azure Blob Storage Tiers Overview

Azure Blob Storage Tiers Overview Azure Blob storage has several storage tiers that offer different performance and cost characteristics. The storage tiers available are: Hot: This tier is for frequently accessed data that needs to ...

thousands of computer disks

An In-Depth Overview of Azure Storage Accounts & Services

Azure storage accounts offer powerful, cost-effective options for managing your data and applications. With various services such as blobs, queues, files, and tables, you can use Azure Storage to store and access virtually limitless amounts ...

a cartoon blue cloud that looks like a native indian with a body

What are Azure Native Services?

Azure Native Services Overview. Azure native services are cloud-based solutions that are developed, managed, and supported by Microsoft. These services are designed to help organizations build and deploy applications on the Azure cloud platform, and ...

a muscle bouncer standing in front of a cloud cartoon

How do you connect an Azure Storage Account to Active Directory?

Azure Storage Authentication Options Azure Storage Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a client that is requesting access to an Azure storage account. Azure Storage supports several authentication options that can be ...

azure blob cartoon

What is Azure Files and what are they used for?

What are Azure Files? Azure Files is a fully managed, cloud-based file storage service provided by Microsoft Azure that allows you to share files across multiple servers and platforms. One of the key features of ...
