How to configure the Azure Virtual Machine Scheduler (AVMS)

Now that you have installed the Azure VM Scheduler, the next step is the configuration. Configuring the Azure Virtual Machine Scheduler will synchronise with your Microsoft Azure Subscriptions, pulling down the details of your virtual machines that run within the Azure Cloud.

The details the Azure Virtual Machine Scheduler will show are; (works with both V1 classic and V2 virtual machines)

  • Virtual Machine Name
  • Azure Virtual Machine Size
  • Software Source
  • Service
  • IP Address
  • VNET
  • Subscription
  • Status (On or Deallocated)

 Azure VM Scheduler Configuration

To start configuring the tool, click NEXT 

Azure VM Schedule Configuration 1

Internet Access

The Azure Virtual Machine Scheduler requires an internet connection to access the Microsoft Azure environment. Make sure the machine you have installed this upon does have internet access, then click Understood and Accepted then click NEXT.

Azure VM Schedule Configuration 2

Azure Subscription Details

Enter in your Microsoft Azure Subscription Username and Password. Ensure that the account is an administrator of the Azure Subscription, and that the account must be an organisational account, not a Microsoft Account. Click NEXT when ready to continue.

Azure VM Schedule Configuration 2

The Azure Virtual Machine Scheduling tool will now check the username and password you supplied against your Azure Subscription.

Checking your Azure Subscription

Once discovered you will then see each of the subscriptions your administrator account belongs to within Microsoft Azure.

Power off your vms within Azure without Powershell

Email Notifications

Next you can setup your email notifications. Enter in your SMTP Mail Server, the FROM address, Username and Password. Also add in the Recipients email addresses. These users will receive email notifications.

Automate a shutdown of Azure VMS

Notifications Settings

On the Notifications Window, choose whether you would like;

  • Enable or Disable Notifications
  • Notify when a Job starts
  • Notify when a Job Finishes
  • Set a timeout limit setting.

Click Next when you are happy with your choices.

Automate a poweron of Azure VMS

Azure Virtual Machine Scheduler Licensing

Next confirm the system date, time and region are correct, then enter your license key and then click Activate then Next.

Schedule in Azure

Azure Virtual Machine Scheduler Regional Settings

Finally you just need to confirm the date and time format, whether its in US (United States) or UK (United Kingdom) format. Choose the relevant region suitable and then click NEXT.

Automate in Azure without Powershell

AVMS Installation Complete

Your Azure Virtual Machine Scheduler has now been configured and installed. You may be prompted to restart your machine, so do so at your convenience.

automate power on in azure

To see how to create your first schedule with AVMS and start saving money on your Azure Subscriptions, click this link.