Cloud Storage Manager

Gain insights into your Azure Storage.

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Cloud Storage Manager Screen Shots and Functionality Overview

If you are an Azure user and want to gain a better understanding of your storage consumption, then you need to consider using the Cloud Storage Manager. This tool provides you with an extensive range of features that allows you to view and manage your storage accounts, containers, and blobs. In this article, we will provide you with a complete guide to Cloud Storage Manager, its features, and its functionalities.

Gain Insights in to your Azure Storage Consumption

Cloud Storage Manager Main Window

Main Window

Cloud Storage Manager provides a World Wide Map of Azure locations showing where your Storage Accounts reside and a quick overview of the consumption of your Azure Storage.

Cloud Storage Manager View Menu

File Menu

The File Menu allows you to;

  • Search – Allows you to search for Storage Accounts, Containers or Blobs
    View Logfile – Lets you view the log file for Operations performed by Cloud Storage Manager
  • Compress DB – Compresses the database used by Cloud Storage Manager
  • Exit – Exit and close Cloud Storage Manager 
Cloud Storage Manager View Menu

View Menu

The View Menu allows you to; 

  • Expand All – Expands all the details in the Azure Storage Tree
    Collapse All – Collapses all the details in the Azure Storage Tree
    Collapse to Subscriptions – Collapses to Azure Subscriptions view in the Azure Storage Tree
    Collapse to Storage Accounts– Collapses to Azure Storage Accounts view in the Azure Storage Tree
    Rebuild Tree – Used to rebuild the tree and update the data shown after a manual scan
    Refresh – Refreshes the view in the Azure Storage Tree
Cloud Storage Manager Scan Menu

Scan Menu

The Scan Menu allows you to;

  • Scan entire environment – Allows you to scan your entire Azure environment including Azure Subscriptions, Azure Storage Accounts, Containers and Blobs. (Depending on the size of your environment this could take some time)
  • Scan selected Subscription – Performs a scan on the Subscription you have selected in the Azure Storage Tree.
  • Scan selected Storage Account– Performs a scan on the Storage Account you have selected in the Azure Storage Tree.
  • Scan selected Container – Performs a scan on the Container you have selected in the Azure Storage Tree.
  • Scan Virtual Machines – Performs a scan for all the storage used by your Virtual Machines you have in your Azure environment.
Cloud Storage Manager Settings Menu

Settings Menu

Settings Menu

The Settings Menu allows you to;

  •  Azure Credentials – Allows you to enter in your Azure Credentials
  • Schedule / Modify automatic scan – Allows you to setup a scheduled scan of your Azure environment.
Cloud Storage Manager Azure Storage Tree

Azure Storage Tree

The Azure Storage Tree allows you to; 

  • See Details – Quickly browse through your Azure Subscriptions, Storage Accounts and Containers
    Right Click – Allows you scan selected components as well as Refresh and Create new Storage Containers.
Cloud Storage Manager Azure Storage Containers Tab

Azure Storage Accounts

The Storage Accounts Tab shows you details about each Azure Storage Account including;

  • Subscription – The name of each Azure Subscription
    Storage Account – The name of each Azure Storage Account
    Storage Version – the version of each Storage Account
    Resource Group – The name of each Azure Resource Group
    Location – The location for your Azure Storage
    Blobs – The number of blobs in each Storage Account
    Size – The total size of storage consumed per Storage Account
    Last Scanned – When each Storage Account was last scanned
    % of Parent – The percentage of storage consumed per Subscription
    Right Click– Right Click on any item to either Refresh the data or Jump to the Storage Account (This will change the view in both the Azure Storage Tree and the Storage Accounts View Tab)
Cloud Storage Manager Storage Container Tab

Azure Storage Container View

The Storage Containers View Tab shows you details about each Azure Storage Account including;

  • Subscription – The name of each Azure Subscription
  • Storage Account – The name of each Azure Storage Account
  • Resource Group – The name of each Azure Resource Group
  • Container– The name of each Container
  • Blobs – The number of blobs in each Storage Account
  • Size – The total size of storage consumed per Storage Account
  • Last Scanned –  When each Storage Account was last scanned
  • % of Parent – The percentage of storage consumed per Subscription
  • Right Click– Right Click on any item to either Refresh the data or Jump to the Container (this will change the view in both the Azure Storage Tree and the Storage Container View Tab)
Cloud Storage Manager Blobs Tab

Azure Blob Storage View

The Blobs View Tab shows you details about each Azure Storage Account including;

  • Subscription – The name of each Azure Subscription
  • Storage Account – The name of each Azure Storage Account
  • Container – The name of each Container
  • File Name – The name of each Blob
  • Tier– Graphical representation of the Storage Tier each Blob is using
  • Size – The size of each Blob
  • Created – When each Blob was created
  • Modified – When each Blob was last modified
  • % of Parent – The percentage of storage consumed per Subscription

    Right Click
    – Right Click on any item to;
  • Change Tier – Change the storage tiering for the selected item(s)
  • Delete selected Blobs – Deletes the blobs that have been selected
  • Show/Hide Parents columns – Will hide all columns up till Container
  • Jump to Storage Account – Highlights the Storage Account in the Azure Storage Tree
  • Jump to Container – Highlights the Container in the Azure Storage Tree
  • Blob Properties – Shows a detailed view of the properties of the selected Blob
  • Copy Value – Copies the value of what your mouse is hovering over to clipboard
  • Refresh – Refreshes the view
Cloud Storage Manager Top 100 Blobs Tab

Top 100 Azure Blobs Tab

The Top 100 Blobs Tab shows you details around the Top 100 Blobs based on size including;

  • Subscription – The name of each Azure Subscription
  • Storage Account – The name of each Azure Storage Account
  • Container– The name of each Container
  • File Name – The name of each Blob
  • Tier – Graphical representation of the Storage Tier each file is using
  • Size – The total size of storage consumed per Storage Account0
  • Created – When each Blob was created
  • Modified – When each Blob was last modified
  • Last Scanned – When each Storage Account was last scanned
  • % of Parent – The percentage of storage consumed per Subscription

    Right Click
    – Right Click on any Blob to;
  • Jump to Storage Account – Highlights the Storage Account in the Azure Storage Tree
  • Jump to Container – Highlights the Container in the Azure Storage Tree
  • Refresh – Refreshes the view
Cloud Storage Manager Top 10 Storage Accounts Tab

Top 10 Azure Storage Accounts Tab

The Blobs View Tab shows you details about each Azure Storage Account including;

  • Subscription – The name of each Azure Subscription
  • Storage Account – The name of each Azure Storage Account
  • Resource Group – The name of each Azure Resource Group
  • Location – The location for your Azure Storage
  • Blobs – The number of blobs in each Storage Account
  • Size – The total size of storage consumed per Storage Account
  • Last Scanned – When each Storage Account was last scanned

    Right Click
    – Right Click on any item to;
  • Jump to Storage Account – Highlights the Storage Account in the Azure Storage Tree
  • Refresh – Refreshes the view
Cloud Storage Manager Virtual Machines Tab

Azure Virtual Machines Tab

The Azure Virtual Machines tab includes details about your VMs includes;

  • VM Name– The name of each Azure Virtual Machine
  • State – Graphical representation of the state of each VM (Powered On, Powered Off, Deallocated)
  • Location – The location of each of your Azure VMs
  • IP Address – The IP Address of each VM
  • Vnet – The Virtual Network your Azure VM resides in
  • Subscription – The name of each Azure Subscription that each VM resides in
  • Managed / Unmanaged – The disk type of each VM (Managed or Unmanaged disks)
  • Storage – The amount of storage consumed by each VM
  • Disks – The number of disks each VM has.
  • Right Click- Right Click on any VM to get further details on the VMs disks.
Cloud Storage Manager Main Window

Azure Storage Overview

 From the Overview tab in Cloud Storage Manage you can quickly see information about your Azure Storage. From the total number of Subscriptions, Storage Accounts, Containers and Blobs you will see the total amount of Azure Storage you have consumed. 

Further details are broken down by your Azure Subscription, detailing the number of Azure Storage Accounts, Containers, Blobs, Azure Virtual Machines, Managed Disks, Blob Storage Amount, and finally the Total Storage consumed per subscription.
Cloud Storage Manager Charts Tab

Azure Storage Charts

The Charts Tab of Cloud Storage Manager shows a quick graphical representation of four

  • Subscriptions by Size – This bar charts shows the size of each subscription
  • Blob Count by Tier – Shows the number of blobs and their tiering historically after multiple environment scans
  • Environment Size Tracking – Shows a historical graph detailing the size in GBs over a period of time
  • Storage Accounts – This bar chart shows a comparison of storage accounts by data size
Cloud Storage Manager Reports Tab

Azure Storage Reports

From the Reports Tab in Cloud Storage Manager you can run several reports to gain insights into your Azure Storage. These reports are:

  • All Subscriptions listed by size – List each Subscription and ordered by the size consumed.
  • All Storage Accounts listed by size – The reports will provide a list of all the storage accounts in each subscription by the size consumed.
  • All Containers listed by size – The report will list each container and the size it consumes. It will also show the Storage Account and Subscription
  • List the Top 100 Blobs – The report will list the top 100 Blobs consuming the most disk space.
  • Storage Account Growth – This report will chart the growth of each Storage Account over time.
  • Storage Account growth with more than X data – This report will chart the growth of each Storage Account over time, for Storage Accounts containing the specified amount of data.
  • Blob count in each Container – Lists each container and the number of Blobs it contains. It will also show the Storage Account and Subscription.
  • Blob count in each Storage Account – Lists each Storage Account and the amount of Blobs it contains. It will also list the Subscription.
  • Blob tier count in each Container – The report lists the count of each object tier (hot, cool and archive) within the Container. It will also show the Storage Account and Subscription.
  • Blob tier count in each Storage Account – The report lists the count of each object tier (hot, cool and archive) within the Storage Account.
  • Environment Overview – Provides an overview of your Azure Storage environment by listing each Subscription, the amount of Storage Accounts, Containers, Blobs and capacity used.
  • Get a list of the last 100 Blobs created – List the most recent 100 Blobs created across the environment. Will list the Container, Storage Account and Subscription.
  • Get a list of the last 100 Blobs modified – List the most recent 100 Blobs modified across the environment. Will list the Container, Storage Account and Subscription.
  • Files not access in the last 3 months or longer – The report will list Blobs that have not been accessed in the last 3 months or longer across the environment (excludes archive files).
  • Files not access in the last 12 months or longer – The report will list Blobs that have not been accessed in the last 12 months or longer across the environment (excludes archive files).
  • Files not access in the last 3 years or longer – The report will list Blobs that have not been accessed in the last 3 years or longer across the environment (excludes archive files).
  • Files created in the last 6 months – The report will list files that have been created in the last 6 months across the environment.
  • Files created in the last 12 months – The report will list files that have been created in the last 12 months across the environment.
  • Top 10 Virtual Machines consuming most storage – The report will provide a list of the top 10 Virtual Machines consuming the most storage.
  • All Virtual Machines and associated disks – List all the Virtual Machines in the environment and their associated disks.
  • All Unattached Disks – List all disks that are not associated with any Virtual Machine
Cloud Storage Manager Map View

Azure Location Storage Map

Cloud Storage Manager provides a World Wide Map of Azure locations showing where your Storage Accounts reside and a quick overview of the consumption of your Azure Storage.

Each Orange Dot represents an Azure location where you have storage consumed. Simply hover over one of the Azure locations to see a quick overview of the Azure Storage you have at this Azure Datacentre.
Azure Files Complete Overview

Azure Files

Cloud Storage Manager also scans Azure Files. Now you can see all the consumption and data that resides within your Azure File Storage Accounts.

Cloud Storage Manager is licensed based on the size of your Azure Subscriptions, Azure Storage Accounts, Containers and finally each Blob.

Cloud Storage Manager

Gain insights into your Azure Storage.

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Each version has the same great functions including scheduled scans of your Azure Storage and reporting.