Microsoft patches KB3177725 & KB3176493 causing printing issues

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Two recently released patches from Microsoft (in the August Patch Tuesday Release) seem to be causing some issues. The problematic security updates are KB3177725 and KB3176493 both which were to patch security vulnerabilities that could allow remote code execution on both Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 as well as server editions of their software, Windows server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 and 2012 R2. The risk of not deploying these two security updates, could allow elevation of privileges, if an attacker finds an affected system and then runs some software which would then exploit these vulnerabilities and finally take control of the affected system.

So what is the issue?

The issue caused by these two security patches is the inability to print more than one page at a time. Others are reporting that it corrupts all print jobs with an error. Microsoft have reported initially that the problem is incompatibility issues between Windows and Printer Drivers, but have recently come out and acknowledged that it was in fact caused by these two updates.

Now this is quite a substantial problem, can you imagine having all your users calling your service desk with this issue???

Now, what is the fix?


UPDATE:  Previously we mentioned the only work around is to uninstall either or both KB3177725 and KB3176493.

Well Microsoft have come through and have released another patch that will fix the issues caused by these two security updates. KB3187022 – Print functionality is broken after any of the MS16-098 security updates are installed

Patch is available to download from the Microsoft site

There has been other issues this month, caused by the August Security Patches. Microsoft Patch KB3179575 causing authentication issues with Windows 2012 servers and KB3176934 breaks Windows 10 Powershell

Additionally, If you are lucky enough to be one of our many customers and are using SnaPatch, you can easily and quickly roll back your virtual machines to the prior security update deployment snapshot.

To learn more about what SnaPatch offers and how you can avoid further issues like this, click this link.

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