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Secure External Document Sharing in SharePoint

sharepoint external sharing security

Introduction to SharePoint and External Sharing

Key TakeawaysDescription
Assess Sharing NeedsEvaluate the types of documents to be shared and determine the appropriate level of access for external collaboration.
Configure Sharing SettingsAdjust SharePoint’s external sharing settings to control who can access documents and under what conditions.
Create Secure LinksUse SharePoint to generate secure links with specific permissions and expiration dates to share documents safely.
Manage Guest AccessRegularly review and manage guest permissions to ensure external users have access only to necessary information.
Implement Security MeasuresApply Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), data encryption, and Information Rights Management (IRM) to protect shared documents.
Compliance and RegulationEnsure all external sharing practices comply with legal and regulatory requirements, such as GDPR or HIPAA.
Leverage Advanced FeaturesUtilize advanced SharePoint and OneDrive features, like Azure Information Protection, for enhanced security.
Training and User AdoptionDevelop comprehensive training programs to educate users on secure external sharing practices and policies.
Monitor and ReportUse SharePoint’s reporting tools to monitor external sharing activities and audit external user access.
Troubleshoot Common IssuesPrepare to address common issues like revoked access or compromised shared links swiftly to maintain security.
Stay Updated on TrendsKeep abreast of future developments in SharePoint to enhance external sharing capabilities and security measures.
SharePoint Sharing Key Takeaways

SharePoint, a product of Microsoft’s suite of office tools, has revolutionized the way organizations collaborate and manage documents. At its core, SharePoint is designed to facilitate the seamless sharing of information, both within an organization and with external partners. The ability to share documents externally is particularly valuable in today’s global business environment, where collaboration with vendors, clients, and contractors across geographical boundaries is commonplace.

However, the convenience of external sharing brings with it a host of security concerns. Sensitive information, if not adequately protected, can fall into the wrong hands, leading to potential data breaches and compliance issues. The challenge, therefore, lies in leveraging SharePoint’s robust external sharing capabilities while implementing stringent security measures to protect organizational data.

The process begins with a clear understanding of what external sharing entails. SharePoint allows users to share documents, lists, and sites with people outside their organization, enabling real-time collaboration on projects. This external sharing feature is not just about sending a document link to a partner; it’s about integrating them into the workflow, providing them with access to the necessary tools and information to contribute effectively to the project.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Organizations must navigate the fine line between enabling productive collaboration and safeguarding sensitive information. This involves setting up appropriate permissions, monitoring document access, and educating users on best practices for secure document sharing.

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Understanding External Sharing in SharePoint

External sharing in SharePoint is designed to be flexible, catering to various collaboration needs. It can be as simple as sending a view-only link to a document or as involved as granting external users access to entire sites where they can collaborate on documents, lists, and libraries.

The key to effective external sharing lies in understanding the options available and the security implications of each. SharePoint provides several levels of external sharing:

  • Anonymous Access: Users can share documents with external parties without requiring them to sign in. This method is convenient for sharing non-sensitive information but poses significant risks if used carelessly.
  • Authenticated Access: External users are required to sign in with a Microsoft account or a work account from their organization. This method provides a higher level of security and is suitable for sharing sensitive information.
  • Guest Access: For more prolonged collaboration, SharePoint allows external users to be added as guests, providing them access to more resources, such as sites and groups. Guest access facilitates deeper collaboration but requires careful management to ensure that external users only have access to appropriate resources.

Managing these sharing options effectively requires a thorough understanding of the organization’s collaboration needs and a careful assessment of the sensitivity of the information being shared. It also involves educating users on the implications of each sharing option and enforcing policies that balance the need for collaboration with the need to protect sensitive information.

Best Practices for Secure External Sharing Settings

To ensure the secure sharing of documents externally, organizations must adopt a proactive approach, starting with the configuration of sharing settings in SharePoint. The goal is to enable productive collaboration without compromising security. Here are some best practices for setting up secure external sharing:

  • Assess Sharing Needs: Begin by evaluating the types of documents that will be shared externally and the level of collaboration required. This assessment will help determine the appropriate sharing settings and permissions.
  • Configure Sharing Settings: SharePoint admin center allows administrators to configure external sharing settings at the organization level, site collection level, and site level. It’s crucial to apply the principle of least privilege, granting external users the minimum necessary access to perform their tasks.
  • Use Secure Share Links: When sharing individual documents, use secure links that allow you to control whether recipients can view or edit the document. Additionally, consider setting expiration dates on shared links to limit access to a specified period.
  • Monitor and Manage Access: Regularly review who has access to your SharePoint environment and what they have access to. Use the access review feature to ensure that external users still require the access they’ve been granted and to revoke it if not.
  • Educate Your Users: One of the most critical aspects of secure external sharing is user education. Users should be aware of the best practices for sharing documents securely, including the risks associated with oversharing or using inappropriate sharing settings.

Implementing these best practices requires a concerted effort from IT administrators, security teams, and end-users. By setting up appropriate sharing settings, monitoring access, and fostering a culture of security awareness, organizations can harness the power of SharePoint for external collaboration without exposing themselves to undue risk.

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Managing Access

Effectively managing access is crucial for maintaining the security of documents shared externally via SharePoint. This involves not just who can access documents, but how and when they can do so. Here are detailed strategies for managing access:

Creating Secure Links for Sharing

When sharing documents externally, SharePoint allows the creation of secure links. These links can be configured with specific permissions (e.g., view or edit) and can be further secured by setting expiration dates or requiring sign-in. This granularity ensures that external collaborators have access only to the necessary documents and for only as long as needed.

Best Practices:

  • Limit Edit Permissions: Reserve edit permissions for users who need to modify documents. In many cases, view-only access suffices.
  • Set Expiration Dates: For sensitive documents, setting expiration dates on shared links can prevent prolonged unauthorized access.
  • Use Password Protection: For an additional layer of security, consider using password-protected links. This ensures that only intended recipients can access the shared document.

Managing Guest Access

For ongoing collaborations, SharePoint allows external users to be added as guests. This provides them with broader access to resources, enabling more effective collaboration. However, this increased access necessitates careful management.

Best Practices:

  • Regularly Review Guest Permissions: Conduct periodic audits of guest permissions to ensure they align with current collaboration needs.
  • Use Groups to Manage Permissions: Utilize SharePoint groups or Microsoft 365 groups to manage access permissions for multiple guests efficiently.
  • Implement Access Reviews: Use Microsoft’s access review feature to periodically validate the necessity of guest access, ensuring that access is revoked when no longer needed.

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Monitoring and Reporting

Ongoing monitoring and reporting are essential for maintaining the security of externally shared documents. SharePoint provides tools and features that help in tracking how documents are shared and accessed.

Utilizing SharePoint’s Built-in Reports

SharePoint and Microsoft 365 offer a range of reporting tools that can help administrators understand how information is being shared, both internally and externally. These reports can identify potential security risks, such as excessive sharing or unauthorized access attempts.

Best Practices:

  • Monitor Sharing Activities: Use the sharing and access request reports to monitor who is sharing documents externally and what documents are being shared.
  • Audit External User Activities: Leverage the audit log reports to track the activities of external users. This can help in detecting unusual behavior or unauthorized access.
  • Review Permissions Regularly: Utilize the access and permission reports to ensure that users have the appropriate level of access and to identify and rectify any permission over-assignments.

Security Considerations

While SharePoint provides robust tools for external sharing, it’s imperative to understand and mitigate the security risks associated with sharing sensitive information externally.

Common Security Risks

Phishing Attacks: External sharing can increase the risk of phishing attacks, where malicious actors attempt to gain access to sensitive information by impersonating legitimate users or organizations.

Data Breaches: Inadequate security measures can lead to data breaches, exposing sensitive organizational data to unauthorized parties.

Loss of Control: Without proper management, there’s a risk of losing control over who has access to shared documents, potentially leading to information leakage.

Implementing Security Measures

To protect against these risks, it’s essential to implement a layered security approach:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA adds an additional layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to access SharePoint documents, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Data Encryption: Ensuring that documents are encrypted in transit and at rest protects against interception by unauthorized parties.
  • Information Rights Management (IRM): IRM allows for the control and protection of documents, preventing unauthorized access, use, or distribution, even after they have been downloaded from SharePoint.

Implementing these security measures, along with diligent access management and monitoring, ensures that organizations can leverage SharePoint’s external sharing capabilities safely and effectively.

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Leveraging SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business are both powerful tools within the Microsoft ecosystem for storing, sharing, and collaborating on documents. While they share some functionalities, they serve different purposes and have unique strengths when it comes to external sharing.

SharePoint Online for Collaborative Workspaces

SharePoint Online is designed for collaboration on a larger scale, providing a comprehensive platform for teams to share documents, data, and resources efficiently. It’s ideal for creating shared workspaces where multiple users can collaborate on documents and projects.

Key Features:

  • Sites and Document Libraries: Allows for the organization of documents in a structured manner, making it easy for teams to find and collaborate on documents.
  • Customization and Integration: Offers extensive customization options and integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 apps, enhancing collaborative efforts.
  • External Sharing Controls: Admins can configure site-level permissions, offering granular control over who can access what, thereby ensuring sensitive information remains secure.

OneDrive for Business for Individual Sharing

OneDrive for Business, on the other hand, is tailored more towards individual use, providing a secure space for storing personal work documents. It simplifies sharing individual documents or folders with external parties, making it suitable for less frequent, more targeted sharing.

Key Features:

  • Personal Storage Space: Offers a personal cloud storage space for users, making it easy to access and share documents from anywhere.
  • Direct Sharing: Enables users to share documents directly from their OneDrive, providing a simple and quick way to collaborate with external parties on specific documents.
  • Security Features: Includes features like link expiration and password protection for shared links, adding an extra layer of security to shared documents.

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Compliance and Regulatory Considerations

When sharing documents externally, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is paramount. Regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others impose strict guidelines on how sensitive information should be handled and shared.

Understanding Compliance Requirements

It’s crucial for organizations to understand the specific compliance requirements relevant to their industry and the type of data they handle. This includes knowing what information can be shared, with whom, and under what conditions.

Best Practices:

  • Data Classification: Implement a data classification policy to identify sensitive information that may be subject to regulatory requirements.
  • Access Controls: Use access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information.
  • Audit Trails: Maintain audit trails of all sharing activities to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.

Leveraging SharePoint and OneDrive Features for Compliance

Both SharePoint and OneDrive for Business offer features that can help organizations comply with regulatory requirements:

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Helps in identifying and protecting sensitive information from accidental sharing.
  • Information Rights Management (IRM): Protects sensitive documents by restricting the actions users can take, such as printing or forwarding.
  • eDiscovery: Assists in identifying, collecting, and preserving electronic information for evidence in legal cases.

Advanced Features and Tools

To further enhance the security and functionality of external sharing, organizations can leverage advanced features and third-party tools.

Azure Information Protection

Azure Information Protection (AIP) is a cloud-based solution that helps organizations classify and protect documents and emails by applying labels. AIP can be integrated with SharePoint and OneDrive to provide an added layer of security for sensitive documents.

Third-Party Security Solutions

There are numerous third-party security solutions available that can complement SharePoint’s and OneDrive’s built-in security features. These solutions can offer advanced threat protection, enhanced encryption, and more sophisticated monitoring capabilities.


  • Compatibility: Ensure the third-party solution is compatible with SharePoint and OneDrive.
  • Compliance: Verify that the solution meets the necessary compliance and regulatory requirements.
  • Usability: Consider the impact on user experience to ensure that security measures do not hinder collaboration.

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Training and User Adoption

Effective training and widespread user adoption are critical for ensuring the secure and productive use of SharePoint for external sharing. It’s not enough to have the tools and policies in place if end-users are not aware of how to use them correctly or understand the importance of security practices.

Developing a Training Program

A structured training program should cover not only the technical aspects of how to share documents externally but also the policies and best practices that users need to follow. This program can be delivered through various formats, including in-person workshops, online courses, and quick-reference guides.

Key Elements:

  • Understanding of Policies: Educate users on external sharing policies and the rationale behind them.
  • Practical Demonstrations: Show users how to share documents securely, including setting permissions and using secure links.
  • Security Awareness: Highlight common security risks and teach users how to recognize and avoid potential threats.

Encouraging User Adoption

Encouraging user adoption requires making the process as simple and intuitive as possible while highlighting the benefits of secure external sharing. Providing ongoing support and resources can also help users feel more comfortable with the system.


  • Champions Program: Establish a champions program where power users can help evangelize and support their peers.
  • Feedback Loop: Implement a feedback loop to gather user experiences and suggestions for improvement.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Recognize and reward departments or individuals who exemplify best practices in secure external sharing.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite best efforts in training and policy enforcement, users may encounter issues while sharing documents externally. Being prepared to troubleshoot common problems is essential for maintaining the integrity and security of the external sharing process.

Revoked Access

Sometimes, access to a shared document may need to be revoked, either because the collaboration has ended or due to a security concern. Users should know how to revoke access quickly and whom to contact if they need assistance.


  • Immediate Action: Provide clear instructions for revoking access to documents and ensure users know how to report any security incidents.

Lost or Stolen Shared Links

Shared links that fall into the wrong hands can pose a significant security risk. Users must understand the importance of protecting shared links and what steps to take if a link is compromised.


  • Link Management: Educate users on the importance of secure link sharing and the tools available within SharePoint to manage and monitor shared links.

Future Trends in SharePoint External Sharing

As technology evolves, so too will the capabilities and challenges of external sharing in SharePoint. Staying ahead of these trends is crucial for leveraging the platform’s full potential while maintaining security and compliance.

Increased Integration

The future will likely see even tighter integration between SharePoint, OneDrive, and other Microsoft 365 tools, making external sharing more seamless and efficient while offering advanced security features.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML could play significant roles in enhancing security, such as by automatically classifying documents based on their content and applying appropriate sharing restrictions.

Enhanced User Experience

Improvements in the user interface and user experience will continue to make secure external sharing easier for end-users, reducing the risk of user error and improving compliance.

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In today’s interconnected digital landscape, the ability to share information securely beyond the confines of an organization’s internal network is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. SharePoint, with its robust external sharing features, provides a platform that can meet this need effectively. However, the power to share information so freely comes with significant responsibilities. Organizations must navigate the fine balance between collaboration and security, ensuring that sensitive information is protected while enabling productivity and cooperation with external partners.

The journey towards secure external sharing in SharePoint involves several key steps, from configuring settings and managing access to training users and monitoring activities. By adopting best practices, leveraging advanced security features, and staying abreast of regulatory requirements, organizations can create a secure sharing environment that supports their business objectives without compromising on security.

As SharePoint continues to evolve, so too will the capabilities and challenges associated with external sharing. Organizations that remain vigilant, adapt to new trends, and foster a culture of security awareness will be well-positioned to take advantage of SharePoint’s full potential while safeguarding their valuable information assets.


1. Can external users collaborate on documents without a SharePoint or Microsoft account?

Yes, SharePoint allows sharing with external users who don’t have a Microsoft account through anonymous access links. However, this method provides no authentication and should be used cautiously, primarily for non-sensitive information.

2. How can I limit the risk of data leakage when sharing documents externally?

Implementing strict access controls, using secure share links with expiration dates and requiring authentication, regularly reviewing access permissions, and educating users on secure sharing practices can significantly mitigate the risk of data leakage.

3. Are there limits to the number of external users I can share SharePoint documents with?

SharePoint Online doesn’t impose a hard limit on the number of external users you can share with, but there are license considerations and best practices you should follow to manage external sharing effectively and securely.

4. How does SharePoint ensure the security of shared documents?

SharePoint offers several security features, including data encryption, multi-factor authentication, information rights management, and audit logs, to help ensure that shared documents are protected both in transit and at rest.

5. What should I do if an external shared document is accidentally exposed to unauthorized users?

Immediately revoke access to the document, assess the extent of the exposure, and inform relevant stakeholders. Review and adjust your external sharing policies and procedures to prevent future incidents.

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